Opening Hours for Lounge:
Mon: 3pm, Tue: 3pm, Wed: 12pm, Thu: 3pm, F/S/S: 2pm
Eagles 12 Days of
Ticket Info Here
Buy Tickets from Marilyn or Franca
Ladysmith Aerie #2101 Donates to Prov. President’s Charity, Autismbc
The leagues are starting up again.
Darts on Mondays and Thursdays.
League Pool will be played on Tuesdays and Wednesday.
Poker is every Thursday evening evening.
Crib players meet in the lounge every Saturday morning Starting this Saturday.
Be here with your partner before 11am to get in the game.
Congratulations to the 2024 /2025
BC Provincial Madam President and BC Provincial Worthy President
Shown here with their installlation escort team June 8 2024
The 2024 FOE Provincial Mr & Mrs Eagle award is presented to our
3097 members Barry and Ellen Nelson !
Prov. Conductor Harley Elasoff presents this award to the Nelsons for their tireless contributions to 3097 in so many ways, highlighted by the weekly meat draw which has allowed for donation of $18000.00 in bursaries to Campbell River School District 72, secondary students. Other duties are done largely unnoticed by many but obviously have had an impact on members to have them recommended, endorsed, finalized and accepted as the top FOE BC Provincial volunteers.
You have our endless gratitude. Thanks Folks.
The 2024 2025 FOE 3097 Aerie and Ladies Auxiliary Executive
Our Mission Statement
The Fraternal Order of Eagles is an international non-profit organization uniting fraternally in the spirit of liberty, truth, justice, and equality, to make human life more desirable by lessening its ills and promoting peace, prosperity, gladness and hope.
Our History
The Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) was established in February 1898 when six theatre owners gathered in a Seattle shipyard to discuss a musician’s strike. Once they resolved the issue, they decided to reconcile their differences and create “The Order of Good Things.” Over time, as membership increased, they adopted the Bald Eagle as their official emblem and changed the name to “The Fraternal Order of Eagles.” The women’s auxiliary has its origins in 1927. Presently, the Fraternal Order of Eagles boasts nearly 800,000 members and operates more than 1,500 locations throughout the United States and Canada. Feel free to visit one of our locations and experience firsthand why we are renowned as “People Helping People.”