Your membership dues assist in providing this facility in our community for
entertainment, food and beverage service, games, friendship and
a conduit to services in our region that support people in need.
The list of organizations we support is lengthy and could not be achieved without the Eagles Hall as the centre from which this good work emanates.
Your membership is vital for sustaining this goodness.
Thank you for applying or renewing with Campbell River Aerie 3097

The Benefits Of Being An Eagle
The perks of being an Eagle member are countless. From lifelong friendships to care for your family, Eagles are always ready to lend a helping hand and be a guiding influence in the lives of every member.
Click the link above to view the various benefits you have access to by being an Eagle. Thank you.
The Fraternal Order of Eagles stands strong behind the
men and women who serve and protect us.
Benefits include Educational Grants, Medical benefits and more

Memorial Foundation
The Memorial Foundation was created to help provide medical, hospitalization, dental, optical, psychiatric care and educational benefits to children of members who lose their lives while serving their country or while at work. As an Eagle in good standing, you and your family are automatically protected by this unprecedented safety net.
Travel Savings Center
FOE members have access to exclusive travel savings from car rentals, hotels, and ticketing discounts to condos, villas, cruises, guided tours, and group travel packages. Find exclusive savings from brands like Hertz, Wyndham, Collette, and member-exclusive hotel discount aggregators.
You must be sponsored by two members of the Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie or Auxiliary. The Eagle member who proposes you for membership must obtain a membership application from the Aerie or Auxiliary Secretary. Applications are also available at the club in the lounge
You can join the Fraternal Order of Eagles 3097 Campbell River by contacting: 250 287 4990 ext 3
OR BY Contacting …….
Fraternal Order of Eagles 3097 AERIE membership Aerie3097cr@gmail.com
Fraternal Order of Eagles 3097 LADIES AUXILIARY membership dalmar1@telus.net