To have fun in a family oriented organization dedicated to the enjoyment of
motorcycles and safe riding, while promoting the Fraternal Order of Eagles
See us on Facebook
CR Eagle Riders meet at the Eagles Hall Sunday mornings at 10am for rides for lunch
and other enjoyments.
Cowichan Bay Ride Oct 12 2024. 1st ride with New President Sam Singh

Newly Elected President replacing founding member of CR Eagle Riders
Important Announcement: It is with great pride that we announce the resignation of Erich Hippolt as President of the Campbell River Eagle Riders, effective immediately. As one of the club’s founders, Erich has dedicated years of service to our organization and has chosen to step down for personal reasons. We extend our sincerest gratitude and warmest wishes to him for his tireless efforts and leadership. Concurrently, we welcome Neighbour Sam as our newly appointed President and pledge our support to ensure a seamless transition. Sincerely, Mikey Cliffe, ERSOA.

Memorial Ride April 28 2024
Hi Crew,
We hold this annual event in memory of friends who have ridden ahead.
Thanks to all came out to ride today. 18 bikes and 2 cars. We served 33 lunches in total. Thanks to Barb, Neil and Sharon for looking after the cooking and clean up with help from Randel, Junior and a few others. Thank you goes out to Brian Shaw for coming and playing his bagpipe for our memorial service. Special thanks to our road captain and sweeps, car drivers, Padre Bob, photographer Richard and Michelle, who loves to support eagle riders. Congratulations to Daryl for winning the poker Run gift donated by Barb and Neil. Daryl won with 3 Jack’s. Great job on the donation sign as well, done by Barb. I honored by having a great crew. Also thanks to all the guys and gals who travel to join us today.
And the Crossroads Restaurant at Sayward Junction for great service and great food!
ER President Erich Hippolt