Live Music Saturday DEC 30 – DOUG FOLKINS

FOE #3097 Eagles Hall 1999 14th Ave, Campbell River, BC, Canada

DOUG FOLKINS Doors open at 2:00, tunes begin at 4pm No Wings and things food in December Sorry, No reservations for Saturday live music events


Perogies and Sausage Member and non-member pricing, under $20 Become an Eagle Member and save!

Friday Night Feb 9 Chicken Alfredo

FOE #3097 Eagles Hall 1999 14th Ave, Campbell River, BC, Canada

Friday February 9 Please come to the Eagle's Hall to enjoy a hearty meal of Chicken Alfredo Stay for the Meat Draws and 50/50 Draw. Proceeds to local school bursaries  $15 for members $18 for non-members

Elyott Ryan Comedy MARCH 8 , Friday Night March 8 Lasagna AND SHOW !!!

Franco and team, Lasagna and Caesar Salad with Garlic Bread AND We have a Comedy Show booked in the Big Hall, starting at 7pm. Tickets for dinner and the show are only $30. Yes, come for the five o’clock dinner, buy a ticket on the meat draw and 50/50, and then stay for the show ...

Friday Night Dinner March 15th, Ribs and Baked Potato.

FOE #3097 Eagles Hall 1999 14th Ave, Campbell River, BC, Canada

March 15th, Franca and crew, Ribs and Baked Potato. Tickets required. $ 15 for Eagle Members $18 for non-members Become a member and save!

Friday Night Dinner March 22 Beef Stroganoff

FOE #3097 Eagles Hall 1999 14th Ave, Campbell River, BC, Canada

Nancy and Carol will have Beef Stroganoff on the menu on the 22nd of March $12 for Eagle Members $15 for non-members Become a member and save !!  

Friday Night Dinner March 29, Ham and Scalloped Potatoes

FOE #3097 Eagles Hall 1999 14th Ave, Campbell River, BC, Canada

March 29th, Past Presidents will be serving Ham and Scalloped Potatoes   $15 for Eagle Members $18 for non-members Become a member and save !!