Eagles BC Dart Tournament May 3,4,5 $10 for each event

FOE #3097 Eagles Hall 1999 14th Ave, Campbell River, BC, Canada

The Eagles Provincial Dart Tournament is at FOE 3097 Campbell River Weekend of May 3, 4, 5 Open to: all Eagle Members Events: Ladies and Men's, Singles, Doubles and Teams All Eagle members are invited to grab their best darts, and join in the fun of competition. Entry fee is only $10 per event. Please ...

Mothers Day Breakfast May 12 09:00

We will be providing a Mothers Day Breakfast on Sunday morning starting at 9am. Everyone is welcome, and all moms eat for free.  Please reach out to family and friends and come down for our breakfast. Non-Moms, will be asked to pay a donation of $10 per person.   Cash raffle tickets are on sale ...

FRIDAY NIGHT MUSIC May 17 Steve Babchuk

FOE #3097 Eagles Hall 1999 14th Ave, Campbell River, BC, Canada

Country and Western Music with Steve Babchuk. Music starts at 7pm until 10pm. STEVE AND THE BAND PLAY  R&B, COUNTRY, SOUTHERN ROCK, ROCK

Clean up Monday May 20 starting 09:00

FOE #3097 Eagles Hall 1999 14th Ave, Campbell River, BC, Canada

May 20 - We will be doing a clean up both inside and out. We would sure appreciate some helping hands. Duties will be some tree trimming, pressure washing, painting,  cleaning up the garden area, some general cleaning and junking out inside. We will be starting at 9:00 and the ladies will be providing lunch ...

Provincial FOE Golf Tournament Saturday May 25


Saturday May 25 at the Hope Golf Course 11:30am start time $65 per person. Price includes 18 holes, cart rental and prizes at the end of the round. Registration deadline May 17. Pay for your round at the course Pro Shop. Please show up no later than 11am to allow time for you to pay, ...

Sunday May 26 1PM – Officer Installation

FOE #3097 Eagles Hall 1999 14th Ave, Campbell River, BC, Canada

Our new Volunteer Executive Officers will be installed on Sunday,  May26 1pm. Please support our organization with your attendance Thank you  

Friday Night May 31 Pork Cutlets

FOE #3097 Eagles Hall 1999 14th Ave, Campbell River, BC, Canada

Friday Night May 17 Pork Cutlets Stay for the Meat Draws and 50/50 Draw. Proceeds to local school bursaries  $15 for members and $18 for non-members Become an Eagle member and save Cash raffle tickets are on sale 6 for $5.00. See convention workers to purchase. Can also be purchased at Friday Dinners, Wednesday Burgers, ...

BC Provincial Convention June 5 – 8

FOE #3097 Eagles Hall 1999 14th Ave, Campbell River, BC, Canada

Planning committee has begun the preparations to host the BC Provincial Eagles Convention on the first weekend in June. We will need lots of help with this event, so please contact Marilyn or Mike W. to sign up Marilyn: dalmar1@telus.net Mike W: MWilson@westernforest.com 78th Annual Fraternal Order Of Eagles Convention 2024 AERIE #3097 Campbell River, ...

Convention Golf Tournament June 5 1PM


Saratoga Beach Golf Course Golf tourney 1pm and dinner at 6 in small hall. There will be longest drive and closest to the pin also. $50 includes fees and dinner

Thursday Dinner Convention Time 2 Halls

FOE #3097 Eagles Hall 1999 14th Ave, Campbell River, BC, Canada

5-6pm dinner in small hall 6pm Provincial Past Presidents dinner (big hall)

Friday June 7 Banquet $45 Convention Time

FOE #3097 Eagles Hall 1999 14th Ave, Campbell River, BC, Canada

We will have some tickets available after May 20 for the Banquet on June 7 at a cost of $45.00 Roast Beef, Seafood, assorted extras and more! A feast for sure! Contact Marilyn  250-287-0544 for tickets. No Holds Banquet 5:30 doors open, Dinner around 6 and MCs to control that night.