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Dinner & Dance FEB 14 – BRICE TABISH
February 14 @ 5:00 pm - 10:30 pm

Mark your calendar for February 14th.
It is Valentine’s Day and Franco and Franca will cooking a buffet style Roast Beef Dinner, with Yorkies, Potatoes and Veggies.
Dessert will be included.
Dinner and Dance will be $20 for members and $25 for guests.
Tickets for the dance only will be $10 per person.
The event will be in the Big Hall. Bar will be open.
Dinner starts at 5 pm .Music starts shortly after the Meat Draw.
Brice Tabish will have his band on the stage about 7pm.
You can book your tickets by calling the lounge, or coming in and signing the book at the bar.